Friday, August 20, 2010

Lotion types ok for Acne Skin?

People say I shouldn't use lotion cuz it might promote my acne, and I have a decent amount so its been worrying me. After I take showers or wash my face, my skin starts to feel tight and really dry so I add some lotion. I've been using the same lotion since I can remember so I've never changed the brand its "Vaselin Intensive Care: Total Moisture 'Dry Skin Lotion' " (Yellow Bottle)

Anyways I was wondering is it ok to use this lotion despite having so much acne? And if I shouldn't what lotions/moisturizers would work best, are cheap and dont promote more acne?

Actual brand and names would be even more helpful, Thanks.

Lotion types ok for Acne Skin?
Look into this website, they have some excellent treatments for your problem -
Reply:Try to change your face wash. It shouldn't be that tight if it's a mild cleanser. I have fought acne most of my life. I used accutane from the dermatologist and it hasn't came back since. I would go see a dermatologist and see about pills for the acne and a better face wash and lotion. :) Good luck. I feel your pain.
Reply:Not all acne is the same. Different people experience it due to different reasons. Typically, they are formed from pores that are clogged, trapping bacteria, and causing infection that forms a pustule. Whatever works for you is great. In my experience, Aveeno makes great products over the counter for people with skin conditions of all kinds.

If in doubt, seek advice from your dermatologist. Good luck!
Reply:i don't like vaseline because it's sort of oily and thick. i have mild acne and i've been using neutrogena oil-free combination skin lotion. it works find without making your zits worse.
Reply:ProActive lotion is the best!!! Also I've used neutrogena or Oil of Olay.

Don't use vaseline, it's too oily. More for dry legs or arms %26amp; hands.

Check the facial care isle in your drug store or supermarket, they may have products specifically for guys.
Reply:You definitely want to use moisturizer after you wash your face, especially if you get that "tight" or "itchy" feeling. If you do not moisturize, your skin will make up for its dryness by creating MORE oil, thereby giving you even more acne. However, you should not be using moisturizer for dry skin, as that type will be thicker and can cause breakouts. You want a moisturizer that is labeled "light" or specifies that it will not cause breakouts.

I have the same problem with dry, yet acne-prone skin. The BEST moisturizer I have ever used (and have used for about 7 years now) is called Velocity moisturizer from Mary Kay. Try to find someone who sells Mary Kay or go to their website. They have Velocity for men or women. It not only moisturizes, but also has an ingredient to help work against the breakouts. The product is also very light so you do not feel greasy.
Reply:You should use a type of lotion that is not heavy or contains oil. I suggest for you to use Clean and Clear moisturizing lotion with Salicylic acid or Neutorogena Moisturizing lotion I never used that kind before but I'm sure it works good. Just look for a moisturizer that is not heavy or contains oil because it will clog up your pores.
Reply:No lotion. No rubbing. Wash hands frequently and don't touch your face unless you do before and after. It is bacteria that spreads the acne. buy witch hazel and use one cotton ball for each pimple and wash with witch hazel and throw away. Then dab antibacterial ointment on each one with a q-tip and throw away each one. Change the pillow case at night or turn it over and change every other night. Then in the morning splash cold water on your face until it is cold and very wet, this balances the ph and cools the pores closed. Then dab and pat face dry with a clean, dry washcloth. Make sure the washcloths are being bleached to kill the bacteria also. Then do the witch hazel thing again, not the ointment (only at night and on weekends when not going out). This should clear up your face in a few weeks. If so you can gradyally stop the ointment and just do it now and then but always use the witch hazel. It should not make your skin dry. It is a natural astringent and a ph balancer. If you find it is drying take a thick washcloth at night and soak it in a margarine bowl of warm saltwater and squeeze out the excess and lay it on your face, pat it down and lie down for a few minutes to let the saltwater, oh and a little baking soda too, seep into your skin and then pat dry. This should add extra moisture to your skin. Drink lots of water and keep a spray boittle of water around to spray on during the day when at home, it will cool and moisturize the skin. Some celebreties put milk in it and keep it refrigerated too. So, you can try that if you want. Good luck. Do not use anti plaque tooth paste it can cause breakouts on some people. Also stay away from greasy and fried fatty foods as well. The witch hazel is for life. It's cheap and great. If this doesn't work see a dermatologist. You may need an antibniotic to clear it up for good and then do the routine to keep it in shape.
Reply:You shold avoid creams that contain

oil such as cold creams and milky

cleanser. More informations at


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