Monday, August 23, 2010

How to cope with dry skin?

My skin has been really dry as late - I think it's due to the winter weather. I doesn't look dry but it feels dry, flaky and tight. Sometimes, it even stings a little when I try and wash it. Other than drinking more water, what can I do?

Thank you!!

How to cope with dry skin?
I find that any lotion with shea butter helps tons. Also, check out the in-shower moisturizers. They're supposed to work really well, since they lock in all the moisture.
Reply:Two words, Aqua Phor. I'm serious, this stuff is a God send.
Reply:Get some Eucerin creme. It works really good for dry skin. You can buy it at Wal Mart. You should take some oat meal baths too, you can buy Aveeno oat meal packets at wal mart also
Reply:try aveeno. the overnight healing cream works wonders. my mom used to scratch her arms so bad in her sleep they would bleed. ever since she started using aveeno, it's stopped.
Reply:Burts Bees hand paste. Works like a charm and has a nice smell.

Oh, yeah - and this is for real. If your hands are really chapped, go to an Agway or other store like it and buy Bag Balm. It's used on cows where the udders get chapped from milking. They also sell it in a lot of other type stores now as well as on the web. It really works.
Reply:Aveeno cream works for me.
Reply:I was told to drink lots of water, avocados and nuts.. It kinda worked..
Reply:um use a moisterizer (that says it wont clog pores ) and drink tons of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Use Cetaphil.


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