Monday, August 23, 2010

General Numbness of skin?


For a bit now, the hips from kind of around near my waist, to very top of thighs has got this... numbess to it. And a little bit sore/tender to touch. I can still feel pain but its just not.. like the rest of my body.

I was just wondering what it is and how I can fix it.

Please note that it is winter where I am, and I have very dry skin generally (not sure if this has anything to do with it, or if its cause by chaffing or tight pants (even though I am quite slim)

It seems slightly red at times..

Just any imput (if you know what your talking about) Im just freaking out a bit you know :P

General Numbness of skin?
I would try a warm to medium hot salt bath...if this does not help...I would definantly call my dr...could just be a nerve that is pinched...that is what it sounds like...but, don't take chances with your health, not worth it in the long of luck...let us know how you are doing....concerned
Reply:How old are you? Do you sit alot? It really sounds like a circulation problem (not enough blood flow to that area) Check with a doctor, if it is that, it could be damaging after a long period of time
Reply:Well if it isn't your low back out of whack and needing to go to the chiropractor then it could be a disease you don't want to have ..Go to a Chiropractor first and if he tells you to go to a neurologist do it...It could be as simple as a pinched nerve but don't mess around with it!

Fibromyalgia. certain types of neuropathy Multiple Sclerosis can cause some symptoms like that ...There is no cure for any of those ..You can treat the symptoms with alternatives but that doesn't guarantee any thing but maybe helping you feel better..

I have MS and I found out in the beginning stages of my 5th pregnancy..I have probably had it for many years but a diagnosis was harder to get 15 years ago then it is now ..I was paralyzed from the hips down for about 8 weeks...That's not the only time I have been paralyzed.. Every day I feel some numbness and tingling in different parts of my body and my balance is always bad...So don't prolong going to the Dr. Good luck to you and if you want to email feel free to do so ...

Pain and numbness tingling and paralysis along with allot of other sypmtoms come with MS...It is better to know for sure what is going on then not ..Because there'a allot of things you can do to help your body by edcating yourself..

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