Friday, August 20, 2010

Is there something i could take (like a vitamin) that is natural to help tone my skin in my arms.?

I 've been working out my arms. 'cause i would like nice defined arms(who doesn't?). i have gained muscle in the front of my arms. but not in the back and i also noticed that my skin seems flabby not tight (unless i try to flex obviously, then it's tight). so if anyone has tips to get nice defined arms, that would be great. i want to keep it natural too, please!!! so any vitamin tips or work out tips would be great. or even maybe suggestions on what to eat. thanks!

Is there something i could take (like a vitamin) that is natural to help tone my skin in my arms.?
Actually, that I'm not sure of but let me give you some tips. You want a great skin tone in your arms, or all over your body the best thing to do is eat really bright colored fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water, 8 glasses a day min. A healthy lifestyle makes you look unbelievable. Hope this helped. PEACE
Reply:Three to five servings a day, take in mind that a glass of any kind of V-8 juice counts as a serving. Drink plenty of fruit juice and stay away from eating a lot of cheese especially if you have oily skin, oh and you should see results within a month or so. xoxoxox Report It

Reply:up your cardio to burn off the flab...then your muscles will show thru better
Reply:Aren't those Steroids? I guess you could, if your doctor would let you. He might not, though...
Reply:You need to work out your triceps as well as your biceps for a balanced look. Try doing tricep dips or extensions using a slightly heavier weight than you would use for your biceps. You should loose the bingo arms in a couple of months.
Reply:Well women store fat in the back of their arms (bingo wings) so this is your problem. You need to do cardio to burn the fat, exercise is the only way you will get rid of the fat that you have on your arms. Tricep exercises will also help to speed up the process by increasing your metabolism.

inch plant

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