Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Skin feels tight after swimming...3 days later still tight..not burned though, what can i do?

You probably did get a little sunburn, did you have any sun exposure at all? Maybe you just don't look sunburned. My other guess would be some sort of allergic reaction to pool chemicals, but you didn't specify whether you swam in a pool, a lake, freshwater, salt-water, etc ...

Anything on the surface of your skin should have long since washed off in your daily shower/bath.

It really sounds like a mild sunburn but if it doesn't go away in another day or so, see a dermatologist.

Skin feels tight after swimming...3 days later still tight..not burned though, what can i do?
Chances are that you are dehydrated. You're losing fluid while you are in the water, but you don't notice like you would if you were sweating.

Water only hydrates from the inside. So, make an effort to get out and drink water often while you are swimming.

Also, moisturize often after you are out. The lotion doesn't moisturize, but acts as a barrier to keep moisture IN.
Reply:have you been using lotion or aloe vera? aloe vera makes it tight when you put it on but once your skin absorbs it its great. try moisturizing... a LOT! if doesn't get better def. go see your dermatologist.
Reply:Use baby oil in the shower. Your skin is lacking moisture.
Reply:You need moisturizer and a strong sunscreen. Tightness of skin usually means dried out skin---the sun is the worst for aging and wrinkles. Ask woman of age who has good skin and they will tell you moisturize, moisturize and moisturize.
Reply:You may be having a slight reaction to the chlorine from the pool.

Have you tried Lubriderm with Vitamin E (or Aloe)?
Reply:The best thing to do is just keep it moisturized, Shea butter is really good for these situations.

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