Tuesday, July 20, 2010

35 weeks pregnant skin feels tight and burning....?

I know this is the baby growing, but will this cause stretch marks. I don't have any yet, but I have not felt this burning sensation until now.

35 weeks pregnant skin feels tight and burning....?
it may cause strectch marks. I had that burning feeling from about 32 weeks on with my youngest son. Rubbin cocoa butter on your belly helps :)

Reply:I know what you are talking about and I am not sure if it is related to stretch marks, but I think it might be. I didn't develop any stretch marks until around this time and my skin felt like it was burning and pulling a little. Did you ever get a "snake bite" on your arm when you were a kid. You know where someone twists your skin in opposite directions, well I found the feeling similar to this.

I just kept putting a ton of cocoa butter on my skin, to help soothe it. I even refrigerated some and it had a very nice cooling effect.

I think you are perfectly normal though and I guess we are lucky if stretch marks are not appearing until the end.

Good luck to you and the baby.
Reply:Your skin tears from the inside out. It is probably tearing on the inside. Yea, i would prepare myself for some stretch marks soon.

Sorry hun. Try using some lotions to ease the tightness. It may help with them being real bad.

Good luck hun.
Reply:I do not have children myself, but a friend of mine once told me about an inexpensive lotion for stretch marks that worked very well for her. It's called Palmer's brand lotion for stretch marks, she used it throughout her entire pregnancy and it helped considerably to minimize her stretch marks. Good luck.
Reply:Cocoa butter is great, as others have said, but you want to start now, and rub it in at least once a day. You may also want to do it on other areas of the belly to prevent the pain.

I actually had this so bad that some of them started to bleed and openly tear. Now, I put Eucerin cream on them, and that really helps. Ask your doctor if that is okay, it's a little pricey, but it is found over the counter, and available in just about every drug store.

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