Tuesday, July 20, 2010

After your 2nd or 3rd or 4th child, and you worked out lots, did your stomach skin get tight or hang loose?

After my youngest baby (3rd child) I didnt work out any but my stomach is flat.. stomach skin is hangin loose... It's a pain

After your 2nd or 3rd or 4th child, and you worked out lots, did your stomach skin get tight or hang loose?
I had 8 pregnancies and only 2 children survived. I had a hard time each pregnancy to get back in shape but i really watched my diet and ate a lot of grapefruits and tuna fish in water and lots of salads. No fried foods and fish is excellant or chicken breasts grilled with salads. Stay away from the starches and excersize whenever you can find the time.
Reply:I have had 2 babies and my stomach would be flat if it wasn't for the flab hanging there. I hate it!

They say there really isn't much you can do about it unless you get plastic surgery done.
Reply:HI I have 4 children, after 1st child yes, 2nd some sag, 3rd a pooch and 4rth, won't retract... Its very frustrating.. but if you are normally a in shape person you should be able to bounce back. I say go for it!
Reply:Lucky for me, I still have my body after 4 children. I have no signs of having one child never mind the four. I'm still young, so I'm very happy to have the same body as I did in high school. Not once did I work out. Unless you call a lot of walking a work out.
Reply:My 4th child is now 17 and my body has never looked better. I massaged the flab as it broke down, and though I still have "baby tracks" my stomach is flat and cute. My boobs retained some of the increase :)

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